Tuesday, January 28, 2014

No More Trees

On Sunday afternoon, after an exciting trip to Costco, Ryan and I decided to take a walk in our new neighborhood for some aerobic exercise. As we turned the corner onto our street, we saw a clearing up ahead...then I noticed a big ol' pile of tree trunks...and then I noticed a big square patch of dirt and I turned to my man and said, "Is...is that our lot?"

It was!

Our lot was full of trees. But do you see that crooked one to the right of my head?

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It's still there!

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And we have one more tree behind it at the very edge of our property.

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We're guessing that our house will have the garage on the left hand side (where the gray dirt is), and the red dirt and clay will be underneath our foundation, just based on how the dirt has been raked out. But we won't know until our Pre-Construction meeting on Monday. At least I think they'll tell us then.

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I think the patio is going to go where that CAT truck is.

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Look at all of the trees they tore down!

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Our view across the street!

I hope to have more to report after our pre-construction meeting and walk-through on Monday, so stay tuned!

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